Jeepneys the Backbone of the Philippine Transport System

Written by Brett Jankowiak

No matter where you go inrepparttar world, each destination or country you visit, has something uniquely there own. They can range from landmarks, both manmade and natural, rightrepparttar 133792 way through to transportation. For example, kangaroos are synonymous with Australia, Big Ben with Great Britain, cigars in Cuba.

Now one ofrepparttar 133793 things that setsrepparttar 133794 Philippines apart from all other countries, is one of there many forms of transport, in particularrepparttar 133795 jeepney.

When visitingrepparttar 133796 Philippines, you cannot miss these colourful additions torepparttar 133797 Philippine National Transport system. They arerepparttar 133798 means of transport for anyone who wants to travel short distances, whether you are inrepparttar 133799 cities of Manila or Cebu or inrepparttar 133800 mountain provinces, you will find a jeepney to take you where you need to go. Jeepneys are more than a form of transport, they are an indication ofrepparttar 133801 resourcefulness and ingenuity ofrepparttar 133802 Philippine people. They are a magnificent reflection onrepparttar 133803 capability of all things Philippines, once they put there mind to it.

Jeepneys evolved atrepparttar 133804 end ofrepparttar 133805 Second World War. Afterrepparttar 133806 United States started sending home there troops, followingrepparttar 133807 surrender ofrepparttar 133808 Imperial Japanese Army, a huge surplus of equipment was left over, which was probably just as well as it gave birth torepparttar 133809 jeepney.

The destructionrepparttar 133810 Second World War created, leveledrepparttar 133811 Philippines capital city of Manila and chokedrepparttar 133812 roads with debris making them almost impassable. Withrepparttar 133813 ability ofrepparttar 133814 Willy’s Jeep to navigate, due to its off-road capabilities, this sturdy vehicle was to becomerepparttar 133815 father of all jeepneys.

Mombasa & the Kenyan Coast- Where the Sun is Ever Faithful

Written by Andrew Muigai

Kenya's 480 km coast is one ofrepparttar principal attractions for visitors torepparttar 133791 country. Every year, hundreds of thousands of sun lovers find their way here. Many are returning pilgrims who truly know thatrepparttar 133792 sun here is ever faithful. Unlike other beach destinations,repparttar 133793 visitor is served with much more than just sun and sand but is delighted to discover ancient coastal forests and historical sites and a people with a fascinating history and culture. The casual visitor impressed byrepparttar 133794 tranquil beaches and gentle people will not suspectrepparttar 133795 colourful and eventful history of these realms.

Forrepparttar 133796 tourist,repparttar 133797 Kenyan coast can be seen as five regions. These are:repparttar 133798 town and island of Mombasa;repparttar 133799 south coast -stretching from Mombasa torepparttar 133800 Tanzanian border 135 km away:repparttar 133801 north coast- coveringrepparttar 133802 beaches from Mombasa up to Kilifi, 60 km away: Malindi and Watamu about 130 km torepparttar 133803 northeast of Mombasa and Lamu island and archipelago, 225 km further up from Malindi. Each of these regions has similarities in terms of history, culture, natural attractions and beach experience. But as sports fans will understand, it isrepparttar 133804 differences that matter torepparttar 133805 dedicated fans of each region.

The gateway torepparttar 133806 Kenyan coast is Mombasa. You get here by flying into its international airport or by takingrepparttar 133807 520 km road journey from Nairobi,repparttar 133808 common entry port for most visitors. If you demandrepparttar 133809 freedom of your own car, consider taking a rental car either in Nairobi on in Mombasa to help you get around. Reviewrepparttar 133810 options you have for Kenya Car Rental and Kenya Domestic Flights as you plan to get there.

Mombasa,repparttar 133811 principal city at Kenya's coast is one ofrepparttar 133812 oldest human settlements onrepparttar 133813 eastern seaboard ofrepparttar 133814 African continent. Though it has without doubt been in existence for at least 700 years, it is mentioned in writings of Arab, Roman and Egyptian travelers dated as far back as 2,500 years ago. The Arabs came to trade and settle, starting from aboutrepparttar 133815 8th century AD. Withrepparttar 133816 push ofrepparttar 133817 northeast monsoon, their dhows brought ironware, glassware, textiles, and took home rhino horn, ivory and slaves. Substantial settlements gradually developed and many traders settled and intermarried with local Africans. The Arabs also brought alongrepparttar 133818 message ofrepparttar 133819 Prophet andrepparttar 133820 Kenyan coast is even today predominantly Muslim.

Relative tranquility prevailed atrepparttar 133821 coastal towns untilrepparttar 133822 Portuguese showed up atrepparttar 133823 end ofrepparttar 133824 15th century. The Portuguese were a substantial seafaring power ofrepparttar 133825 day and were anxious to breakrepparttar 133826 stranglehold ofrepparttar 133827 Ottoman Empire on Indian Ocean trade. Vasco Da Gama openedrepparttar 133828 way for his compatriots when he made his way roundrepparttar 133829 southern tip of Africa and up to eastern Africa in 1498. The Portuguese were not warmly received in Mombasa, but not so at Malindi. The local sultan offered his ready friendship and proved very useful to Da Gama by providing a pilot who knew how to get to India, his ultimate destination.

Betweenrepparttar 133830 15th and 19th centuries, Mombasa saw plenty of war. For this reason,repparttar 133831 city was nicknamed Mvita, which in Swahili translates as Isle of War. Fort Jesus,repparttar 133832 permanent garrison whose construction was started byrepparttar 133833 Portuguese in 1593, changed masters 9 times before 1875. Byrepparttar 133834 terror of war,repparttar 133835 Portuguese sought to controlrepparttar 133836 east African coast. As colonial overlords,repparttar 133837 Portuguese were deficient in that they were mostly interested in plunder and trade and did not establish robust systems of administration. Another related difficulty they faced was that they were supplied from Goa in India. The student of military theory will recognise this as a classical case of "long supply lines".

The Portuguese were finally driven out byrepparttar 133838 emerging power of Omani Arabs in 1729. The ascendancy ofrepparttar 133839 Omani Arabs lasted until Britain, a leading super power atrepparttar 133840 time, appeared atrepparttar 133841 beginning ofrepparttar 133842 19th century. The British came in underrepparttar 133843 guise of a humanitarian mission-repparttar 133844 suppression ofrepparttar 133845 slave trade. The Omani Arabs were notorious slave traders. Christian missionaries put pressure onrepparttar 133846 British government to persuaderepparttar 133847 Omani Arabs to pursue other trade other than trafficking in humans. This is somewhat likerepparttar 133848 problemrepparttar 133849 Americans face today in South America with respect torepparttar 133850 cocaine trade.

The British were actually successful in this, by using time honoured carrot and stick tactics. Underrepparttar 133851 resulting deal,repparttar 133852 Omani Arabs whose headquarters was in Zanzibar were recognized as overlords over a 16 km strip alongrepparttar 133853 Kenyan coast. The sultan was to be paid an annuity as compensation for resulting loss of revenue. This territory acquiredrepparttar 133854 status of a British Protectorate until 1963 whenrepparttar 133855 Sultan of Zanzibar ceded it torepparttar 133856 newly independent Kenyan nation.

Mombasa is today a cosmopolitan metropolis reflectingrepparttar 133857 influence of Africans, Persians, Arabs, Turks, Indians, Portuguese andrepparttar 133858 British. The Old Town is a grid of narrow winding streets lined with houses built to coastal Swahili and Indian styles. Some ofrepparttar 133859 houses have intricately carved doors similar to what you find in Zanzibar and Lamu. Inrepparttar 133860 Old Town you will find Fort Jesus,repparttar 133861 permanent garrison built byrepparttar 133862 hapless Portuguese. Fort Jesus, in addition to being an attraction itself, houses a museum exhibiting various artifacts reflectingrepparttar 133863 various cultures that have influencedrepparttar 133864 Kenyan coast. You will also see articles recovered fromrepparttar 133865 ill-fated Portuguese warship Santo Antonio De Tanna, which sank inrepparttar 133866 siege of 1697 that lasted 1000 days.

In Mombasa you can take an all day dhow trip and reliverepparttar 133867 experience ofrepparttar 133868 traders who sailed alongrepparttar 133869 East African coast and as far as India andrepparttar 133870 Persian Gulf aboard these vessels for centuries. Forrepparttar 133871 past few years, every Novemberrepparttar 133872 Mombasa Carnival has been staged inrepparttar 133873 town. The Carnival is a lively street parade where you see incredibly adorned musicians and other artists fromrepparttar 133874 Kenyan coast and other parts ofrepparttar 133875 country. Street comedians, Swahili Taarab singers, Maasai warriors, brass bands and individual artists in outrageous costumes braverepparttar 133876 November heat to march inrepparttar 133877 parade.

Visitors torepparttar 133878 south coast usually head to Shelley, Tiwi, Diani, Msambweni and Shimoni. These arerepparttar 133879 beaches torepparttar 133880 south of Mombasa, where hotel and resort development has taken place. To get torepparttar 133881 south coast beaches you need to takerepparttar 133882 ferry at Likoni,repparttar 133883 southern tip of Mombasa Island. If this does not suit you, take a flight to Diani airstrip. Diani beach, 40 km from Mombasa isrepparttar 133884 most developed beach atrepparttar 133885 south coast. This isrepparttar 133886 quintessential tropical paradise and here you will find a wide range of hotels, including an 18-hole golf resort. Though some ofrepparttar 133887 other beaches are excellent, they have limited range of accommodation and attract fewer people.

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